Who's tapps?
That’s me!
Hi, I’m tracy apps… aka @tapps.
I design things. I code things. I… UX.. things?
Oh nevermind. How about I just give you a rundown about my skills, and you can see some of my work in my portfolio.
So… what do you do?
Glad you asked. I do all sorts of things. Call it lack of focus if you want. But for me, having a multidisciplinary skillset has made me a better designer, developer, strategist, consultant, teacher, and artist. I call myself a “creative problem solver”… meaning I can pull from a big crayon box (you know… like the one that had the sharpener on the back?) of creative tools to provide a solution that actually works. I’m a “big picture do-er.”
That seems vague. How about some specifics
Sure. Here’s a bulleted list, because I like lists.
- Graphic design for print and/or web
- Brand development/logo design
- UX & user testing
- Front-end development
- Sass/SCSS
- Some Javascript/jQuery
- Grunt/Gulp (etc)
- Frameworks like bootstrap, foundation and bourbon
- Consistantly learning and experimenting with new code/methods. Currently obsessed with SVG, flexbox and CSS grid.
- WordPress development
- Consulting on communication & online strategies, social media, digital storytelling, etc.
- Speaking/teaching about design, WordPress, UX, accessibility
- Photography/photo editing
- Video/video editing
- Podcasting
- I’m a drummer
- I probably can deadlift you.
Do you tie your own bowties? Can you teach me?
I’ve even tied a bowtie while driving once or twice (don’t worry, I was at a stoplight)
And I would be happy to teach you.